Thursday, April 28, 2005

Fortune smiles...

So, today I had Chinese for lunch….  “WOW Briam… that’s amazing!!!”  Yeah yeah, let me finish.  So at the end of the meal I got a fortune cookie that said: “Between truth and the search for truth, opt for the second.”

Fortune anyone?

Oh wise one, what does that mean?  I guess it’s kind of like “It is not the destination, but the journey that matters.”   Or maybe “It is not how you die, but how you live…” [You get the idea]

Well anyways, tomorrow morning I have an important appointment with INS (Immigration and naturalization services)   I have been waiting to swear in and become a U.S. citizen for over 10 years…


So, I guess it is not that I will now be an American citizen, but that I have tired to live like a good citizen.

Be Good


1. Briam said...

...So I am here... Waiting.... A bit nervous... Posting from my blackberry (what a geek I am)...

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