Monday, September 12, 2011

Fuzz Run 2011

This past Saturday we got a chance to get out there an run the annual Fuzz run in Covington, GA.  A great little family run for a good cause [“Police Who Care Fund"].  The kids did great on the Fun Run... and the parents survived the 5k.

Family Fuzz Run 2011

I was happy with my time compared to last year.  I did notice that once I get in to the 70+ age group, I will be able to dominate due to lack of participants!!  ... just a few more years to go.  Well on a furrier note, there was a special guest appearance by the famous Chick-Fil-A cow.

Sophia and Cow

The cow was not fast enough to escape Sophia's crushing hug.  Better luck next time, Cow!!


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