Cooking with Sophia
All the worlds greatest chefs probably started out with the love of cooking while young... and impressionable. Maybe they enjoyed seeing their parents cook... or maybe they just loved the food that they made... who knows, but in Sophia's case... Cooking (baking) is a delicious path that leads to sweet eating.
Here we have Chef Sophia putting a few eggs in to the mix. She loves to help... and prefers to help with you out of the room.... just in case you had any intentions of messing with the master piece.
Here we have Sophia adding in some sugar. ...and some more... and some more...
And now we add the bananas. Break them up ... smush them down... mix them in. I guess by now you have some idea of what she is helping to bake.
And now time to mix mix mix. The blender is so big to her, I have images of it spinning her over the edge, and making a giant mess ... but luckily that was avoided. The price of the sweet baked goodness will not be deprived. I guess the hardest part for her after this is the waiting.... waiting while the banana bread cooks... (and the constant looking in through the little oven window to see if its done.
On a totally non related note... Megan was a bit distracted... distracted about a lot of things going on, but more importantly about the gum that used to be in her mouth... and later ended up in her hair. So like a good father, I knew just what I had to do. CUT CUT CUT. I wonder if my wife would have suggested a different course of action? ... I guess its a bit late for that...
1. Claudia Casali said...
Mi querido Briam...esos cortes en el cabello pueden ser terribles para las que nos gusta el cabello largo, para otra ocasion (que estoy segura sucedera), tomas un poco de algodon lo empapas con aceite de bebe (que es tambien el que usan algunas mujeres para desmaquillarse), y vas a la "zona pegajosa" frotandola con el algodon y asi deshaces la goma de mascar y no los nervios de la afectada. Ja! Cariņos para todos.
3. Linda Muse said...
If it happens in the kitchen, peanut butter works great too (for the same reasons as the baby oil).
4. Briam said...
They should write a book: "Things Dad's need to know before you leave them alone with kids."
5. Paola said...
Gracias amigas, por toda la sabiduria femenina!!! ; )
2. Briam said...
Gracias Amiga Loca!! :-) Next time, no scissors.