Friday, June 22, 2007

Baseball Game

While we were in California a couple of weeks ago... we had a boys night out.  Of course it first required written approval from the bosses (Paola and Maria Jose)... signed in tripplicate... deposit in cash.... significant calateral.... etc.

On The Train

This was Matthews first baseball game (not sure if it was little Diego's first).  We drove to the nearest BART (Transit) station and took the train to the station.

Ready to go

The kids were ready for the game.  They seem to enjoy the journey as much (if not more than) the destination.... [That is good enough to put in a fortune cookie]

Fast TrainHanging

We passed the train time playing around... and the kids loved it.  It was hard for them to keep still... jumping around... hanging around...  and we had not even started spoiling them with sugary junk food at the ball park yet...

Train Ride

At this point I am supposed to show a bunch of the pictures from the game.. but we did not take that many when we got there.... and they were all a bit too dark...  I think it might be time for a new camera... this one is all beat up.

After the Game

It did get a bit chilly at night... and Diego (dad) and me were soo smart, that we did not even bring warm clothing...  We had a great time.  We ate tons of junk food [Cotton candy, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream....]  A couple of die hard fans next to us gave our kids some baseball cards....  Well the kids did start getting tired... and it was getting really cold.... so we ended up heading out before the end of the game... which really only seem to partially be part of the experience... but the most important part of the whole adventure?  As we were leaving my son turns to me and says "Dad, that was the greatest game ever!"


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