Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Escape to FL

Before the end of last month, we got a chance to head down to Florida to visit some family... and to see how many miles we could add to the mini-wagon master!  There was family in town from Ecuador that we had not seen in a long long long time... (a few months).

The Gang

Of course we asked these kids if they just wanted to sit around for a few days and rest... but of course they did not like that idea.  So we headed to a place that lets the kids work at doing real type of jobs... doctors, cooks, fireman..


The kids had a blast.... they did some jobs.  Then got some bling bling.... they ate some pizza.... They did have a cool little play area for kids that were too small to do the jobs (like Sophia), but it seems like all the kids wanted to play there....

Play Park

We where in Florida for a couple of days, we got to see family and also got to go to an outdoor park as well.  There are tons of other pictures from that day. 

As a special treat there are also some pictures of Gabriel, Paola's brothers new baby boy.


Click on any of the pictures to go to the gallery or click HERE.


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