Sunday, April 30, 2006

What rules?

Most of us remember growing up with rules.

  • You have to brush your teeth. 
  • No playing at the table. 
  • You have to eat your food before you can have dessert.
  • You are not allowed to eat in that room because you will make a mess.

Anyone else remember any rules like this?  Year after year... these types of rules guided our lives... as we slowly grew up ... and learned to embrace them.

I now show you exhibit A:

The kids are with my parents for just a few hours... and all the rules fly out the window.  This picture shows you an obviously happy child, indulging in dessert.... Did she finish her meal? ... I don't think so.  What room is she in?  That does not look like the kitchen or dining room...

.... I guess I should have read the fine print:  "...once you become a grandparent, all rules are null and void...."


1. paola said...

Mis hijos aman a sus abuelos, y gozan mucho cuando vamos para alla. Los chochean, y ciertamente los alimentan con ricos manjares que van desde galletas de chocolate hasta sanduches especiales, carne, chorizo...o las famosas crackers con pate. Yo tambien extrano todo esto cuando viviamos en la suite al lado de ellos, comen ciertamente delicioso, muy tremendo para mi dieta! Vivimos alla casi todo mi 1er embarazo. Que mas se puede decir, los ninos adoran a sus abuelos y los abuelos los aman mucho tambien. Y aunque los consienten mucho con lo de la comida, si son estrictos con el comportamiento, y esto es bueno y de gran ayuda para mi, la mama de estos angeles!!! linda foto baby!

2. Briam said...

Love you baby... :-)

3. Tammy said...

What a great picture!! I can't believe you didn't know about the grandparent's fine print....

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