Friday, August 19, 2005

Ice Cream Social

Wednesday at the school.... the kids had an ice cream social.   AN ICE CREAM SOCIAL!!!  Why did we never do these cool thing when we were their age?  I guess I am just a little jealous since no one takes me out for ice cream anymore...  :-(

Ice Cream Party

Here is a nice picture of the kids and their friends (Mikaela, Matthew, Diego Jose, and Megan).  It is rare to be able to get a picture of these kids not in motion... or fighting/playing  But I suspect they were bribed with promises of ice cream if they would just stay still for one picture!!!  :-)

Would someone please take me out for ice cream?? seriously.


1. Paola said...

It is truly hard to be able to get a good picture of these angels together...they're too active to stay still. They had a great time and I did too until Matthew dissapeared from my sight and told Diego's dad he had permission to go with them. Icecream was delicious and if you like I would love to take you out for about an icecream date this Sunday afternoon? Love you baby! ; )

2. Isabel de Riofrio said...

Hola mi yerno preferido, gracias por tener tan actualizado el bloq, cada semana lo veo y debo reconocer la habilida, creatividad e ingenio que tiene para cada detalle, sé que me seguramente me pierdo un montón por el inglés, pero entiendo la idea de todo.
Esta foto está hermosa, mis nietos de ven lindos, igual Los niños Darquea.
Que Dios te bendiga.
te vi soplando las velas también.

3. Briam said...

Gracias mi suegra preferida. :-) Ojala puedan venir a visitar, para estar en las fotos tambien. Un abrazo!

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