What else could they do?
At some point… with three kids, you start thinking, WOW, that was pretty bad. At least they won’t do anything worse than that. I remember my son stabbing me in the foot with a fork once, because I would not give him more M&Ms.
I remember my son trying to push me down the stairs… (I don’t recall why). I remember my son pushing his sister down the stairs, because she was moving too slowly…
But Megan has not yet gotten up to that level. But I guess she is working her way up. I got home early today… so I had time to play with the kids before Matthew’s swim class. Before it was time to go, I noticed that my office was a bit of a disorder. And wouldn’t you know it… one of the ink boxes for the photo printer had been open. It’s a Canon photo printer that uses different cartridges for each color…
Well, Megan had chosen the black ink cartridge. It is hard to tell because some cleaning was done, but I am sure that she was trying to put on some type of war paint for the upcoming battle. Undoubtedly she was planning some devious attack that I would be powerless to stop. She has already discovered that she can disarm any level of anger I have with her innocent smile. If it were not for my wife being immune to that smile, she would be ruler of our household by now.
Pray for us!! J